In addition to Sunday morning core classes and Bible fellowships, we also offer electives on key topics:

A Christian View of Work

Following Timothy Keller’s Every Good Endeavor, this elective seeks to understand, from the wisdom of God’s Word, how the Christian gospel changes not only our lives but the way we work. This Christian view of work—that we work to serve God and others, not ourselves—is foundational to a faithful witness, regardless of the specific work to which He has called us. Participants can purchase the book, though it is not necessary for class participation. Financial help with the purchase of the book is available. Chapter 1 will be covered in week one.

Biblical Community

Have you ever felt alone in the midst of a small group or local church? Do you know what it looks like to live in true fellowship with other Christians? This course will consider the biblical foundations of Christian community and what it practically means to be an integral, meaningful member of a local church family. Participants will explore how our fellowship with Christ informs our fellowship with one another as we learn to apply the most important “one anothers” of the New Testament in our life together.

Common Ground Discipleship

Many families wrestle with broken trust, confusing communication, tangled emotions, and blind spots that hide the underlying causes of familial stress. Pastor Greg has designed this class to equip parents and their 6-12th grade students to identify relational weaknesses and restore their relationships with each other and the Lord. Families who attend will receive gospel-centered insights and tangible tools to both heal and strengthen family relationships for a lifetime. Students will walk away equipped to fulfill their biblical role in family discipleship. Parents will obtain creative and customizable family discipleship resources.

Christian Apologetics

Have you ever hesitated to bring up your faith to a non-believer out of fear that they might ask a question you can’t answer? Do you want to grow in your knowledge, understanding, and hope that what we, as Christians, believe is credible? If so, consider participating in the twelve-week Christian Apologetics course. With topics ranging from the existence of God, the resurrection of Jesus, the reliability of Scripture, the presence of suffering and evil, and competing worldviews, this class will provide an introductory overview of the major arguments, questions, and challenges Christians might face in our present culture.

Christ-centered Conflict Resolution

As Christians, we should be prepared to face tribulations of all kind (Jn. 16:33). However, as Christ’s body we are called to love and forgive others as Christ has loved and forgiven us. In Tony Merida’s book, Christ-centered Conflict Resolution: A Guide for Turbulent Times, he discusses how Christians can become peacemakers who thrive in the midst of conflict. Books will be provided by Cherrydale.

From the publisher, this book will help Christians:

  • Discover where conflict comes from
  • Realize conflicts don’t have to define you, scare you, or undo you
  • Stop allowing your relationships to simmer in a place of division, anger, or strife
  • Understand the pattern and power of Christ as the ultimate Peacemaker
  • Tap into the Spirit’s supernatural ability to change you in the midst of your conflicts
  • Learn how to overcome evil with good
  • Anticipate conflicts and resolve them in biblical, Christ-centered ways

Crown Financial

The world offers the false promise that money can buy happiness and provide stability. God’s economy works according to a different central principle: redemptive stewardship. In this Crown Financial elective, participants will apply biblical wisdom to their personal lives and finances. The ultimate goal of this class is not merely addressing the symptoms of financial bondage but creating long-term transformation of your heart as it relates to money. Limit: 10 participants. A $25 registration fee covers course materials. NOTE: Class participants should plan to spend at least one hour per week in preparation for the class in order to benefit from and participate meaningfully in the class. Also, the course fee will be refunded if the class is cancelled due to an insufficient number of registrations.

Gospel-Centered Marriage

How long after you said “I do” were your dreams of a perfect marriage confronted with the reality of struggles in everyday life? Or are you preparing for marriage and hoping to establish strong biblical principles and reasonable expectations for your journey of a lifetime? In this class, we will follow Paul David Tripp’s book Marriage: 6 Gospel Commitments Every Couple Needs to Make, which emphasizes that a healthy, lifelong, Christian marriage must have a foundation on something stronger than romance, mutual interest, or shared experience; it needs the life-changing power of the gospel. Participants can purchase the book, although it will not be necessary for class participation. If needed, financial help with the purchase of the book is available.

Gospel-Centered Parenting

This class equips parents and those supporting them (friends, family, teachers, group leaders) with a gospel-centered perspective on parenting and disciple-making. We follow Paul David Tripp’s book Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles that Can Radically Change Your Family, which emphasizes that in our discipleship of children, we need God’s grace more than we need the latest tips and techniques. Participants can purchase the book, though it will not be necessary for class participation. Financial help with the purchase of the book is available.

How We Love Our Kids

This class addresses how our security in Christ can inform the insecurities we experience in family life. It is designed for parents of 6th-12th grade students, but parents of upper elementary-age kids and grandparents who have regular contact with grandchildren these ages are also welcome. Participants should purchase the book How We Love Our Kids by Milan and Kay Yerkovich. Please read at least the first two chapters before the class begins. On most weeks, participants will need to read 2-3 chapters to adequately prepare for classroom discussions on how to foster a strong disciple-making environment in their own home.

Love Your Church: 8 Great Things About Being a Church Member

God calls us to be devoted to one another in love (Romans 12:10). What does this look like for us today in the local church? How can we be the kind of church member who makes a real difference? This 8-week book discussion of Love Your Church: 8 Great Things About Being a Church Member explores what church is, why being a part of it is compelling, and why it’s worthy of our love and commitment. In it, we explore eight privileges and responsibilities of a church member: to belong, to welcome, to gather, to care, to serve, to honor, to witness, and to send. Whether you’re new to Cherrydale or have been attending for some time, this book study will re-energize you with God’s vision for the local church.

Prayer: The Power and Treasure

Prayer breaks chains and demolishes strongholds. Prayer is direct communication with God and brings us closer to Him. Join us for this class to gain a strong, biblical foundation that will encourage our hearts in the power and treasure of prayer. This is a 12-week version of the prayer class that was offered at Cherrydale on January 13, 2024 with Pastor Dave. With the additional time and format, it will go more in-depth and will highlight input from additional Cherrydale members with a heart for prayer.

Side by Side: Walking Together in Wisdom and Love

Are you sometimes uncertain about what to say to help others who are suffering? Do you long to go deeper in relationships with one another but are not certain how to get there? Because the body of Christ is equipped by the Spirit of God and indwelt by His presence, believers can walk side by side while bearing one another’s burdens and providing spiritual help and insight. Using the book, Side by Side: Walking with Others in Wisdom and Love by Ed Welch, relevant Scripture, practical exercises, and other sources, this class will equip church members to intentionally and more effectively seek out and provide spiritual help.

Tech-Wise Christianity: Biblical Perspective for a Digital Age

This class explores what the Bible has to say about technology so that we can both understand what it is and use it personally to honor God. We  focus our applications on our smartphones, considering 12 ways that this revolutionary technology is changing us and, in response, seek to develop wise, healthy habits for ourselves and our families that maximize benefits and blessings and avoid unhealthy pitfalls.

What Does the Bible Teach About Church?

In this interactive, discussion-based class, we will study key Bible passages with the goal of understanding what it teaches about the life and ministry of a church and its members. We will consider whether our approaches to church government, membership, discipline, and worship are the products of human wisdom or of biblical teaching. Whether you’re new to church or a longtime member, this class can help you grow in your faith and get to know others at Cherrydale.

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