Well, March is here, and we are marching forward as well. There are some things that make us go backward it seems, but the Lord helps us through those times too.
Last weekend over 63 youth from several of our churches in the mountains and valleys around this region came together for a youth congress. Bob and Jeffrey spoke to them, as well as the missionary who hosted the event, Steve Peat. It was really a good time, of fellowship, preparation and solid Scripture teaching on topics these kids need to hear. Several of them were children of believers, others new believers. Thanks for praying for the results and fruit from these meetings.
Bob is now on a trip to both Pedregal and then the Majes valley, specifically Aplao. We couldn’t deal with all the problems and needs when we both went a month ago. We do not know how the church in Espinar is doing, but we thank you for praying for our dear people in these places.
Our school starts Monday, March 5, and we ask you to pray for more students, especially in kindergarten, to replace the grads – it was a big class and now we don’t have enough registered for the kinder and younger years. Seems like we have a good group of teachers, mostly Christian, and we need prayer for them too, the spirit in general, the parents and/or tutors, and our directors, Marino and Lupe, for wisdom in decisions and administration.
Lord willing, I will be teaching 10 hours a week, “Christian formation” (Old Testament this year to 5th grade and Bible stories to 3rd grade), and the rest English to these two grades. Thanks so much for praying for the school. Thanks to you who are helping sponsor some of our needy students. Thanks to all of you who pray for us and the Lord’s work here.
The end of this month is the Easter season again. May God bless you as we always remember all the Lord has done, to save us and keep us for Him.
Many blessings and thanks,