Church Leadership & Staff

We’re led by a group of caring individuals who seek the Lord’s will in their lives and in the direction of our church. Below you’ll find information on our elders and our administrative staff, all of whom work together to provide direction and support to the church.

We have others in vital roles to our church, too—learn more about our Deacons & Committees Members at the link below.

Deacons & Committee Members


Mike Danylak


Chairman of the Elder Council

Mark Dronfield


Vice Chair of the Elder Council

Greg DuHart


Mike Layman


Brian Main

Associate Pastor, Elder

Teaching, Shepherding

Greg O’Dell

Associate Pastor, Elder

Youth, Camp Kids Place

Tom Oostdyk

Lead Pastor, Elder

Preaching, Leadership

Juan David Prettel

Associate Pastor, Elder

Biblical Community, Care, Lay Counseling

Jayson Roehl


Secretary of the Elder Council

Paul Seong


Dave Y.

Associate Pastor, Elder

Missions, Outreach, Church Planting

Kristin Brown

Director/Women's Ministry & Communications

Pilar Bustamante

Administrative Assistant

Mitchell Downing

Worship Director

Joy Feofanov

Children's Ministry Assistant

Alex Loizos

Pastoral Resident

Suzie Lord

Church Administrator

Beth Main

Children's Ministry Director

Brian McDonald

Facilities Manager

Jessi McDonald

Administrative Assistant

Nate Reed

Facilities Team

Jamie Tolosa

Production Director