Join the Cherrydale family and build authentic relationships.


Join us on Sundays as we worship God together!

8:30 am | Prayer Meeting
9:00 am | Sunday School
10:30 am | Worship Service

Looking for a church home?

Explore Cherrydale

The best way to learn about Cherrydale Baptist Church is to take part in Cherrydale Explored. Meet several of our elders and learn about our story, mission, strategy, and beliefs.

Gather Together

Engage in Biblical Community

Build meaningful relationships within our supportive, Bible-based communities. We care for one another, grow as followers of Jesus, and seek to share the good news of Jesus.

One-to-One Discipleship

Meet with other individuals who are on their own journey of following Jesus Christ

Point people to the gospel: Share your faith with others, walk alongside a brother or sister in Christ, or develop a mentoring relationship.