The Schedule

Common Ground Discipleship is offered at Cherrydale as a Sunday class elective from time to time. This class is designed to establish common ground between parents and 6-12th graders, focusing on attachment theory, biblical psychology, and family discipleship.

See our Sunday class schedule for more information.

The Scope

Many families wrestle with broken trust, confusing communication, tangled emotions, and blind spots that hide the underlying causes of familial stress. After a year of research and development, Pastor Greg has designed “Common Ground Discipleship,” a 12-week class to equip parents and their 6-12th grade students to identify relational weaknesses and restore their relationships with each other and the Lord.

  • Families who attend will receive Gospel-centered insights and tangible tools to both heal and strengthen family relationships for a lifetime.
  • Students will walk away equipped to fulfill their biblical role in family discipleship.
  • Parents will obtain customizable, creative family discipleship resources to support individual family needs.


The Structure

Parents and their 6th-12th grade students will attend the first six weeks together (Apr. 7 – May 12). Pastor Greg will provide family workbooks with space to write down class ideas, tools to practice family relationship building, and suggested family Bible studies to continue developing classroom concepts into family experiences.

For the second six weeks (May 19 – Jun. 23), the kids return to their regular classes and the parents will continue together. We will study Family Discipleship by Matt Chandler and Adam Griffin. Class teachers will review chapter contents and facilitate large group discussion as well as breakout conversations at each table.

The Strategy

This two-part teaching strategy will help parents and students develop shared responsibility to promote relational health and discipleship growth. It will also give parents an opportunity to collaborate, encourage, and pray for one another as they implement what they’re learning at home.