Wednesday Night Youth Group

6th–12th graders are invited to join us on Wednesday evenings during the school year and for special events throughout the year.

Is your student new to our youth ministry or has your insurance information changed? Please complete the form below.

Youth Ministry Registration

Our youth group is divided into two programs: Middle School and High School. Both programs are designed to provide a safe and welcoming environment for teens to find biblical answers to what and why Christians believe. The highlight happens in life groups (divided by age and gender) where adult mentors lead a life-application discussion of the evening’s Bible-based message.

Here’s a taste of what it’s like…get more details below!

Middle School

6th–8th graders meet in The Forge (Rm. 124) from 6:30–8:00 pm. Come as early as 6:00 pm to relax, play games, and hang out!

  • 6:30 pm — Ice-breakers and large group topic introduction.
  • 6:45 pm — Large group teaching time
  • 7:20 pm — Life group discussion by age/gender and snacks
  • 8:00 pm — Pick-up time or optional hangout time until 8:30 pm. Middle school students can hang out in the Forge or the Gym.

High School

9th–12th graders meet in the Well (Rm. 110) from 7:00–8:30 pm. Come as early as 6:00 pm to relax, play games, or do homework in the Well (Rm. 110) or the Gym!

  • 7:00 pm — Ice-breakers and large group teaching.
  • 7:45 pm — Life group discussion by age/gender and snacks
  • 8:30 pm — Pick-up time or optional hangout time until 9:30 pm. High school students can hang out in the Well (Rm. 110), the Gym, or the Kitchen.

Several times we diverge from this schedule for Youth Group special events.

Additional Parent Info

New to Cherrydale’s youth group? Register your teen and check out our Youth Ministry parent resources.

  • The middle school life groups finish meeting at around 8:00 pm and the high school life groups finish meeting at around 8:30 pm.
  • Middle school hangout time ends at 8:30 pm, unless waiting for an older sibling/parent to finish with their group(s).
  • Remind your teens that they are not allowed beyond designated Youth Ministry areas on the 1st floor.
  • Younger children should not be in Youth Ministry areas unless accompanied by a parent. This includes drop-off and pick-up times.
  • Occasionally, we need parent help with snack setup/cleanup, parties, and breakout nights. Email Pastor Greg to help out as needed.
  • Periodically we could use donations to help cover snacks for the kids. We will post a link to donate in the weekly Youth Ministry Newsletter when needed.

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