• February 6, 2024

Feb. 2, 2024 Kindred Speakers: Linda Peeler

Parenting with Courage: Embracing God’s Sufficiency in Weakness

Every mother fears that their mothering is lacking. They fear not loving their children well enough. Not protecting them well enough. Not teaching and guiding them well enough. The list of mothering fears is seemingly endless. God is not silent on this issue. He promises us in his Word that his power, his grace, his strength is always enough, even and especially in the midst of all of our worries and fears for our children. Our speaker, Linda Peeler, will explore this profound truth and how to lay hold of it in our mothering in a way that strengthens, encourages, and motivates us.

Linda is the wife of Pastor Chris Peeler, mother of 15, and grandmother of 30. Suddenly widowed in 2000 and remarried in 2009, Linda has a deep longing to share of God’s all-satisfying faithfulness and lovingkindness. It is her joy to strengthen women in their faith so that they are better able to love and serve their husbands, children, and the church body. Linda has an intense desire for women to know and love God rightly, put their hope and trust in the truth of the gospel, and passionately love the One who passionately loves them.