• December 15, 2020

Dear Cherrydale Family,

Once again, thank you for praying and reading while the team searches for our Biblical Community Pastor. As I mentioned in the last post, we are now at the end of Phase 1 (Search Committee). We are sending two candidates from this search cycle, in addition to the two candidates from the Spring, to the Elder Council for Phase 2.

We have provided extensive notes and feedback regarding the candidates to help the elders further interview and evaluate these men. After their review, the final candidate will be presented to the congregation as part of Phase 3.The Search Committee has spent hours over the past few months looking at documents, deliberating with one another, and praying for you. Despite only meeting over Zoom (and sometimes in different time zones), we are grateful for our unity in Christ and shared love for His people (e.g. Cherrydale) keeping us focused. While our job is currently over (again), we will continue praying with you for the remainder of the search process.

Thank you,

Matthew Dong, on behalf of the Biblical Community Pastor Search Committee

View our pastoral search process page here.